1. The Spring Workshop continues. Our next watch & read is about programming in general. Click here for the content. Remember, you can watch or read any of the links, or none! These resources aren't going away so feel free to bookmark them. 2. If you can, join us for a debrief/sharing on April 30, 11 AM-1PM. The Zoom Link is pasted and highlighted at the top of the shared Google Doc. 3. The last in our workshop series, EDI in services, is coming soon! The debrief for that will take place May 7, 11AM-1PM.
Looking for a quick way to see if the Alaska Libraries iREAD Showcase on YouTube has anything that can help you? Check out this “Cliffs Notes” version of the webinar. Included are types of events discussed and the time stamp (minutes:seconds) on the YouTube video (see bottom of blog post for the video). I also created Bibliocommons lists of book titles discussed. I did not include every title mentioned. Spend a few minutes looking at this quick view of the YouTube video and see if there is anything of interest in the one hour and 20-minute webinar. Hope this saves you some time and helps your summer reading planning. Let us know if you would like to see more quick view versions of webinars. Presenter: MJ Grande, Youth Services Librarian, Juneau Public LibrariesStorytime Books for Movement: 9:13 (minutes: seconds timestamp on video) Bibliocommons list of storytime titles for movement. Upcycle Tutu: make a tutu out of leftover newspaper bags: 14:49 Craft, Melted Crayons on Canvas: 16:05 Page 209 of 2021 iREAD Resource Guide. See picture below. Indigenous books to read and hear: 17:04
Color Inspiration Books: 19:56
Presenter: Susan Jones, Youth Services Librarian, Fairbanks Her programming focused on ages 3-9. Things to consider when creating your SRP plans: 23:23 Don’t set plans in stone. Set in Jello for lots of wiggle room. StoryWalks: 26:08 Possible books:
Scavenger Hunt: colors 28:26 Outdoor Day: 29:54
Music Concerts outside: 30:35 Mad Scientists (virtual): 31:04
Paid Performer: 32:46 Take and Make Bag: 33:34
Aurora Borealis Art project: 34:17
Pandemic Quilt: 35:12
Colorful Family Flag: 35:35
Color Your Plate with Fruits and Vegetables: 35:57
Mystery Sticker Posters: 36:35
Minerals, Rocks and Gems: 37:06
Rubber Chicken Karaoke: 37:30 Essay Contest: Forgot to get timestamp. Presenter: AJ Gooden, Igiugig Tribal LibraryHas directions and materials lists and is willing to email you a copy. Update 3/25/21: I requested her materials and received them. They are excellent. I highly recommend getting them. Most of her programming will be in-person. Color Fun with Process Painting: 41:33
Color Fun with Crayons and Marker: 42:51
Hands-on Color: 43:48
Questions about Color: 45:29 Survey patrons about color and explore their questions What makes color?
I Color (Artists and Color): 49:10
Colors of our World, Earth Art and Community Photo Book: 50:50
Interactive Displays: 52:40
Presenter: James Adcox, Youth Services Coordinator, Kenai Community LibraryDIY Kits for Teens and Tweens: 55:14
Teen and Tween Virtual Programming: 1:05:31
Incentives and Giveaways: 1:15:20 STEAM Kits: 1:17:18 Alaska Libraries, Reading Colors Your World, Summer Reading Showcase YouTube VideoFrom the website: "This YouTube video is a panel discussion sponsored by the Alaska State Library on activities for the 2021 Alaska Summer Reading Program using the iREAD program." AuthorTara Morissette There was lots of information in my emails and online regarding Dr. Seuss and Read Across America. So, to make it easily accessible, I compiled the information in one place. Here is the press release by Dr. Seuss enterprises on March 2, 2021 from their website:
Dr. Seuss and RacismA peer-reviewed article called The Cat is Out of the Bag that discusses the racism in Dr. Seuss’ work: Ishizuka, Katie and Stephens*, Ramón (2019) "The Cat is Out of the Bag: Orientalism, Anti-Blackness, and White Supremacy in Dr. Seuss's Children's Books," Research on Diversity in Youth Literature: Vol. 1 : Iss. 2 , Article 4. Available at: https://sophia.stkate.edu/rdyl/vol1/iss2/4 Book “Was the Cat in the Hat Black? The Hidden Racism of Children’s Literature, and the Need for Diverse Books” by Philip Nel. Information from the publisher: “Gives those who teach, create, edit, or agent children's books potential tools to uproot systemic racism. Explores how children's literature obscures its racialized origins. Examines the common marketing practice of "whitewashing" and the growing resistance to it” Google talk with the author Philip Nel. Slate interview with Philip Nel about the press release from Dr. Seuss Enterprises on 3/3/2021. Opinion piece in SLJ, Choosing Not to Highlight Dr. Seuss Books is Not Censorship by Oregon school librarian Miranda Doyle. Article in School Library Journal about racism and monkey imagery: The Problem With Picture Book Monkeys: Racist imagery associating simians with Black people has a long history by Edith Campbell. School Library Journal, December 4, 2019. A great infographic by Katie Salo (Twitter: @storytimekatie): Diverse Books Recommendations for Reading Aloud Read across America’s recommendations of diverse books. Blog post by Jillian Heise that includes a list of diverse and inclusive read alouds. Collection DevelopmentCollection development and weeding decisions. What to do about books with cultural inaccuracies in your collection. Do you have an important resource to add to this collection? Let us know. Email [email protected]. A big thank you to Angie Manfredi, Youth Services Consultant at the State Library of Iowa for her contributions to the discussion, Katie Salo for her amazing infographic, Greta Bergquist for keeping us in the loop and Tessa Michaelson Schmidt, Wisconsin's Youth and Inclusive Services Public Library Consultant. Racism and ChildrenAuthor Kelly Yang opens up about her own experiences with racism in the wake of COVID19 and explains how we can teach kids to rise above hate during this critical time -- and always. YouTube Video. An incredibly in-depth look at resources on racism, children and Dr. Seuss by Philip Nel, Professor of English at Kansas State University. AuthorTara Morissette Announcing: the 1st Ever Virtual CSD Spring Workshop series!
No time to watch or read? That's okay! You can come anyway!
Can't attend the debrief session? You can still watch or read about the topic when it's best for you. Save the Date, 11AM-1PM March 19: Summer Reading Click here to get started on March's Watch and Read on Summer Reading. For more information about the entire series go to our Spring Workshop page. Questions or need the Zoom link? Contact CSD Co-Chair Bryce Kozla. |
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