Your Summer Reading
Dena Chaffin
Silver Falls Library
2021-22 CSD Summer Reading Chair
[email protected] or
Dena.Chaffin at
Lisa Elliott
Tigard Public Library
2021-22 OYAN Summer Reading Chair
lisae at
Greta Bergquist
iREAD Oregon State Representative
[email protected]
Silver Falls Library
2021-22 CSD Summer Reading Chair
[email protected] or
Dena.Chaffin at
Lisa Elliott
Tigard Public Library
2021-22 OYAN Summer Reading Chair
lisae at
Greta Bergquist
iREAD Oregon State Representative
[email protected]
More Information
2022 Summer Reading Program
Summer Reading in Oregon is a joint project among the OLA Children's Services Division, OYAN, and the State Library. For 2021 and 2022, our plan is to use iREAD as the statewide summer reading vendor. During 2021 and 2022, the CSD Board, OYAN Board, and State Library will assess how iREAD is working for Oregon libraries and get feedback from every library about how iREADs works for you. We will then decide together if we will continue with iREAD or go with another vendor for summer reading in the future based on what libraries tell us they need.
SRP Office Hours
We’ll be meeting monthly, alternating the first Wednesdays and Tuesdays of every month at 1:00. The Zoom links for the office hours will come through both the OYAN and Kids-lib listservs. If you’re not already registered for those lists, you can do so here: We’ll be focusing on debriefing about last year’s program and looking ahead to what’s next! In the meantime, we’ve created a Jamboard to get the conversation started. Please take a look and add your thoughts: |
If you have any SRP-related questions or suggestions, you can reach out to us, Lisa Elliott (Tigard Public Library) at lisae at and Dena Chaffin (Silver Falls Library) at dena.chaffin at
Summer Reading: Beyond the Beaten Path at the 2021 Youth Services Summit
Included the iREADS theme, materials, and all you need to know for 2022. This was a recorded session at the 2021 Youth Services Summit. Don't want to watch an hour-long video? Check out the highlights on our blog post.
Summer Reading: What’s Next for Summer?
Check out the highlights of this Youth Services Summit session on our blog. Reflect on what we’ve learned in the past two summers. What will we keep for summer reading? What will we stop?
This year, iREAD received a request for some Spanish-language graphics in addition to the Spanish and English bookmarks and posters they already offer for sale, and are offering them for download. Going forward, such graphics will be included in the Resource Guide along with the other reproducible spot art.
Summer Reading Peer Support Program
Alaska Libraries, iREAD Summer Reading Showcase, Quick View
Looking for a quick way to see if the Alaska Libraries iREAD Showcase on YouTube has anything that can help you? Check out this “Cliffs Notes” version of the webinar. Included are types of events discussed and the time stamp (minutes:seconds) on the YouTube video. I also created Bibliocommons lists of book titles discussed.
Spend a few minutes looking at this quick view of the YouTube video and see if there is anything of interest in the one hour and 20-minute webinar. Hope this saves you some time and helps your summer reading planning.
Spend a few minutes looking at this quick view of the YouTube video and see if there is anything of interest in the one hour and 20-minute webinar. Hope this saves you some time and helps your summer reading planning.
Summer Reading Webinars, Articles and Sharing Session
Pick from any or all of the curated webinars and articles on summer reading to help you plan.
Check out the notes from our Spring Workshop Series, Zoom debrief/sharing session.
DIY Kaleidoscopes
Looking for fun ways to use the iREAD summer reading theme, Reading Colors Your World? Try DIY kaleidoscopes. Kaleidoscope kits use a mixture of cheap and easy-to-find items such as cardboard tubes and more expensive materials such as mylar or flexible mirrors. This STEAM project could be an event in a park, in your library or given as a take and make. Check it out here.
iREAD Committee ShowcaseDuring the Illinois Library Association's very first Virtual Annual Conference in October 2020, the iREAD Committee presented the summer reading theme and program ideas for 2021 "Reading Colors Your World," and looks ahead toward 2022 "Read Beyond the Beaten Path" and 2023 theme development. |
Illinois iREAD ShowcaseIllinois' Heartland Library System discusses program development, marketing, partnerships, and activities in the presentation Reading Colors Your World: Making Your 2021 Summer Reading Program Cheerful & Bright. |
Summer Reading FAQS
for October 2020 from Greta B.
Can I view the iREAD Oregon Webinar?
Yes! Here it is:
How will my library get a manual this year?
iREAD calls this a Resource Guide. Every library will receive a download code that they may use to download one copy of the Resource Guide and distribute however they wish to multiple library staff – You can save it to your own USB or multiple USBs, you can store it in a shared drive for multiple users to access, you can even print it all out if you want. This access isn't a license, it's a purchase, so once your library downloads the manual, it's all yours.
I’m wondering what Summer 2021 will look like.
We are too! The 2021 Resource Guide was finalized just as the stay at home orders were being put in place. While some programs are easily transferred to virtual environments, some aren’t. There will definitely be a webinar on being flexible in our pandemic environment and lots of opportunities to ask questions, so please stay tuned for that resource.
for October 2020 from Greta B.
Can I view the iREAD Oregon Webinar?
Yes! Here it is:
How will my library get a manual this year?
iREAD calls this a Resource Guide. Every library will receive a download code that they may use to download one copy of the Resource Guide and distribute however they wish to multiple library staff – You can save it to your own USB or multiple USBs, you can store it in a shared drive for multiple users to access, you can even print it all out if you want. This access isn't a license, it's a purchase, so once your library downloads the manual, it's all yours.
I’m wondering what Summer 2021 will look like.
We are too! The 2021 Resource Guide was finalized just as the stay at home orders were being put in place. While some programs are easily transferred to virtual environments, some aren’t. There will definitely be a webinar on being flexible in our pandemic environment and lots of opportunities to ask questions, so please stay tuned for that resource.
How can I get involved in the program or offer feedback about iREAD materials or process?
Anything you want to share: Let Greta and/or your CSD Summer Reading Chair, Nicole Newsom, know. Those who really want to lead, consider being an active member of CSD and OYAN. Summer Reading is a shared project among CSD, OYAN, and the State Library, we’re all working together!
Anything you want to share: Let Greta and/or your CSD Summer Reading Chair, Nicole Newsom, know. Those who really want to lead, consider being an active member of CSD and OYAN. Summer Reading is a shared project among CSD, OYAN, and the State Library, we’re all working together!
More information
Ready to learn more about iREAD, this theme and see more designs from 2021's featured artists: Oliver Jeffers, Yuyi Morales, Hervé Tullet, and Zach Lehner? Check out the preview flyer.
iREAD for all Oregon libraries free of charge through LSTA funding. You will receive access to an iREAD manual providing you with ideas and outlines for displays, crafts, and programs for all ages. This manual also contains all the graphics, bibliographies, and more. This year, we're transitioning to providing online access to the manual. You won't have to worry about losing a USB drive or entering access codes at a website anymore, hooray! Each library will be granted download access to a manual and can do whatever best suits their needs with it. You can save it to your own USB or multiple USBs, you can store it in a shared drive for multiple users to access, you can even print it all out if you want. An advantage of iREAD is that this access isn't a license, it's a purchase, so once you download the manual, it's all yours. If you are interested in a USB or print version of the manual, or program swag like t-shirts, bookmarks, posters, etc, you can purchase all of this and more at the iREAD store.
Ready to learn more about iREAD, this theme and see more designs from 2021's featured artists: Oliver Jeffers, Yuyi Morales, Hervé Tullet, and Zach Lehner? Check out the preview flyer.
iREAD for all Oregon libraries free of charge through LSTA funding. You will receive access to an iREAD manual providing you with ideas and outlines for displays, crafts, and programs for all ages. This manual also contains all the graphics, bibliographies, and more. This year, we're transitioning to providing online access to the manual. You won't have to worry about losing a USB drive or entering access codes at a website anymore, hooray! Each library will be granted download access to a manual and can do whatever best suits their needs with it. You can save it to your own USB or multiple USBs, you can store it in a shared drive for multiple users to access, you can even print it all out if you want. An advantage of iREAD is that this access isn't a license, it's a purchase, so once you download the manual, it's all yours. If you are interested in a USB or print version of the manual, or program swag like t-shirts, bookmarks, posters, etc, you can purchase all of this and more at the iREAD store.
While many of the supports for your summer programming will remain the same, iREAD has some great features. They have a special focus on preventing summer slide. iREAD is flexible; you can use the art in perpetuity after purchase, it doesn't ever expire. iREAD is designed by in-practice librarians from urban, suburban, and rural libraries, and materials reflect the diversity of the communities we serve. iREAD contracts with illustrators to license the work of characters familiar to your participants. 2021's art not only features the work of Hervé Tullet, creator of the best-selling sensation Press Here but also the beloved Crayons from illustrator Oliver Jeffers. This recognizable, well-known art and characters help with promoting your program. iREAD always uses the words "book," "reading", or "library" in the theme, which will help us continue to promote libraries as key partners in building literacy and learning for Oregon kids and families. Lastly, iREAD has been very responsive and is open to learning and changing to better meet the needs of their libraries. When we asked for more options for Oregon librarians to get an introduction to iREAD, they suggested an Oregon-focused webinar and are happy to address other requests as they come in, we know you'll have them!
DOES THIS MEAN I CAN'T USE CSLP? We are not providing monetary funding or support on the Collaborative Summer Library's (CSLP) theme Tails & Tales. Any library interested in using CSLP is welcome to join on their own. You will need to pay their annual membership base fee, which is $20 for standalone library plus $2 for any branch libraries, and purchase any other material, such as a manual, that you wish to use to run the program. Libraries should consider that Ready to Read funding for Summer Reading may only be used on the statewide summer reading program. For many years, this was CSLP, but for 2021 and 2022, it will be iREADS. If your library wants to use Ready to Read funds for your 2021 or 2022 summer reading program, your library will need to use the iREADS theme.
You are welcome to visit the iREAD website and browse the store at any time, however, please wait for specific instructions from your State Library representative on how you will receive the 2021 Resource Guide (arrangements vary per state).
Explore the iREAD website.
DOES THIS MEAN I CAN'T USE CSLP? We are not providing monetary funding or support on the Collaborative Summer Library's (CSLP) theme Tails & Tales. Any library interested in using CSLP is welcome to join on their own. You will need to pay their annual membership base fee, which is $20 for standalone library plus $2 for any branch libraries, and purchase any other material, such as a manual, that you wish to use to run the program. Libraries should consider that Ready to Read funding for Summer Reading may only be used on the statewide summer reading program. For many years, this was CSLP, but for 2021 and 2022, it will be iREADS. If your library wants to use Ready to Read funds for your 2021 or 2022 summer reading program, your library will need to use the iREADS theme.
You are welcome to visit the iREAD website and browse the store at any time, however, please wait for specific instructions from your State Library representative on how you will receive the 2021 Resource Guide (arrangements vary per state).
Explore the iREAD website.
“The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.” ― Plutarch